Learn more about an artist who makes music, paints, and creates photography.

The Graveyard 1 released!

It’s official! The Graveyard 1 is now streaming everywhere from Itunes to Spotify! Check it out today!

RAW is a WordPress blog theme design inspired by the Brutalist concepts from the homonymous Architectural movement.

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7 responses to “The Graveyard 1 released!”

  1. Wish you success. Thanks for following me. As charitably bent as I am, I wouldn’t donate all my writing proceeds to charity. It seems noble, but it’s about the only work I can do. I have Schizoaffective Disorder, so I can’t really hold down a job or anything. I need this to make a living. But, I guess what I’m trying to tell you is don’t be so quick to give all of your earnings away. It might seem noble, but it’s not a sin to eat from the work you’ve done.


    1. Thanks for the feedback. I understand what you are saying, and I love that you are making a living off of writing. My plan is to do this for about two years (until the albums I promised are released) donate the money, then continue on with the fan base I created over the two years. So, what I’m getting at is that I’m trying to make a difference and grow my brand at the same time.


      1. That’s good. I’m not yet making a living off my writing. But soon I hope. Peace.


  2. Congratulations, I wish you nothing but success! Thank you so much for following me. Sadly, WP has disabled the follow button on my end due to new restrictions they are beginning to roll out to bloggers who they deem “engage too much.” However, as soon as I’m off restriction, I will definitely follow you. In the meantime, I will keep up with your posts and comment. Again, many congrats to you and much success! 🙂🙂🙂


    1. Thank you! No worries! So they are putting a limit on people who follow too much?


      1. Sadly yes, even if you have actually read the posts and like the blog. They have even restricted my ability to like posts. But at least I can comment. They haven’t taken that away.


  3. Good luck with your artistic endeavours. Thanks for choosing to follow me. I am honoured. Muriel


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